Chaos 15 – Pleinmont, Guernsey – 28-30/06/19

This is an excerpt of an article written by Tom Girard After seemingly settling back into a winning formula last year, Chaos returned for a 15th time to the Pleinmont headland in Guernsey over the weekend of 28th to 30th June 2019. With two stages running for the three days it was possibly the most varied Chaos event yet with...

Black March featuring From Darkness, Ironfoot, Of Abscess And Amputation and Gentle Suburban Boys – The Fermain Tavern – 09/03/19

This is an excerpt of an article written by Tom Girard From DarknessLate last year Havoc Events staged a metal night at The Fermain Tavern and it obviously inspired others as, with a very similar line up, Black March was announced once again highlighting the heavier side of Guernsey music scene that is, arguably, less seen today than it was...

Chaos 14 – Pleinmont, Guernsey – 29/06-01/07/18

This is an excerpt of an article written by Tom Girard Now in its 14th year I think it’s safe to say that, after the Vale Earth Fair, Chaos (aka Chaos Weekend or Chaos Festival) is one of the most established events in the Channel Islands music calendar regularly attracting visitors from Jersey, the U.K. and mainland Europe. Over that...