Free Range Music – The Fermain Tavern – 18/10/08

This is an excerpt of an article written by Tom Girard The John Wesley StoneBack in 2008 The Fermain Tavern started a series of regular monthly events in different styles of music. We’ve already seen reviews from blues nights and one of the Discharge nights focussing on punk but this comes from the first ‘Free Range Music’ night which featured...

Thee Jenerators and The John Wesley Stone – De La Rue – 02/02/08

This is an excerpt of an article written by Tom Girard Thee JeneratorsAnother from the archive that is otherwise somewhat lost to time so I’m reviving here for better or worse… a rocking looking night at the De La Rue by the looks of things (as ever largely unedited unless I’m making no sense whatsoever or have spelling or grammar...