Music in Guernsey in 2019

This is an excerpt of an article written by Tom Girard After a couple of years where music in Guernsey had upped its game, across the board, to a level that continues to surprise many visitors to the island, or those who hear Guernsey based bands when they venture away, 2019 has had to me a slightly different feel. While...

Playlist – October 2019

This is an excerpt of an article written by Tom Girard Lots of new music this month from various places and a couple of old ‘classics’ too. Starting off with stuff closer to home there’s new music from Byzanthian Neckbeard’s Extinction EP and the new single from Track Not Found. Further afield I’ve got tracks from King Nun’s debut album...

BBC Music Introducing In The Channel Islands: October 2019 – Byzanthian Neckbeard and WaterColour Matchbox

This is an excerpt of an article written by Tom Girard Byzanthian NeckbeardClick here to watch the show For my BBC Music Introducing In The Channel Islands show in October 2019 we celebrated a couple of the heavier bands to have released new music in the islands in recent weeks. First was Byzanthian Neckbeard who, after a five year break...

St James Presents… Sacred Hearts, Thee Jenerarors, The Risk, The Crowband – St James Concert Hall – 12/10/19

This is an excerpt of an article written by Tom Girard Sacred HeartsFor the best of the last forty years Mark Le Gallez, and a rotating, suitably motley, crew of collaborators have been carving a furrow in Guernsey’s music scene that have taken them as far afield as Germany and California across a number of bands and the latest St...